Gila Almagor
Read about Israel Prize recipient Gila Almagor on the following websites:
Biography sites
Jewish Agency  
Jewish Virtual Library
The Source
Book sites
ITHL  Biography, books published in Hebrew, books in translation
Movie / film sites
Jewish Heritage Video Collection
Rotten Tomatoes filmography
Video Flicks
Yahoo Movies
The Israel Prize
The Ein Hod Artists' Village website
Interviews / Photos
Interview (Hebrew) with Habama
Yaakov Agmon
Yaakov Agmon was the General Director of Habima - Israel's National Theater for the past 10 years.
Read the Feb 2005 Jerusalem post article about Agmon's farewell tribute from Habimah
Gila Almagor visiting the studios of Radio SBS Australia, Federation Square, February 2005

Left to right:    Judith Dan, Gila Almagor, Saar Most, Yehuda Kaplan, Galit Klas