
Mazal Tov to Ruth Goldwasser for winning first prize at the the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies'  Interclub 2008 competition with her audio visual presentation 'According to Gaudi'

Click here to see the AV presentation on YouTube.

Ruth's selection of music to go with the AV presentation will be of special interest to Jewish Australia readers.
The first piece is Avram Avinu sung by Fortuna from the album Mazal and is sung in Ladino.
Barbara Streisand then sings Avinu Malkeinu.
is from the Israeli Dance repertoire, sung by Gila Paz, and Hallelujah is by Leonard Cohen.


Mazal Tov on the birth of Ori Dobrejcer
Born in Jerusalem on 29/12/05
Son of Tamar and Tsvi Dobrejcer
brother to Yosef Yitzchak and Odaiya Ester
Grandson to Sonia and Mosze Dobrejcer of Melbourne
The name Ori means "My Light"
Mazal Tov to the Pokorski Family of Córdoba, Argentina
who celebrated Daniel's Bar Mitzvah on May 14, 2005

Mazal Tov to Theodore Bikel
on receiving an Honorary Doctorate from the Hebrew Union College
May 16, 2005

Mazal Tov to Joseph Toltz of Sydney
Awarded a First Class Honours degree and
the University Medal for Music.

April 2005
Mazal Tov to
Wynne Iris Perlman-Wircer and Marvin Charles Bude
on their marriage 25th November 2004
Mazal Tov to Ada and Amos Lezerovitz
on the birth of their grandson in Tel Aviv, Israel
November 2004

Mazel Tov to
Esther Blumenthal and Max Skop

of Melbourne Australia

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
March 2004

Mazel Tov on the birth of Odeiya Ester
Born in Jerusalem, January 23, 2004 - Rosh Chodesh

Daughter of Tamar & Tsvi Dobrejcer,
sister to Yosef Itschak ,
Grandaughter to Sonia & Moshe Dobrejcer of Melbourne Australia
Write to the parents

Odeiya Dobrejcer

The name Odeiya means "praise to God"

Mazel Tov
Tuesday October 7, 2003

Meny from Haifa and Ruth from England were married by the creek
in Kangaroo Valley in a beautiful ceremony. It was a magical day.
Mazel Tov on the birth of
Arie Yahuda Zilber (Ari)
Tel HaShomer Hopital - May 19, 2003
Mazel Tov to
Nicole Gray & Roger Schueler
Married December, 2002 - Temple Beth Israel, Melbourne

Nicole with her parents Stephanie and Gary Gray

Mazel Tov to
Yaakov Zilber & Sheera Gurkiewicz
Married May 21, 2002 - Yod Sivan 5762
in the Pecan Garden... Gan HaPakan (Hebrew)
Kibbutz Ramat HaKovesh, Near Kfar Saba

Sheera is a long-standing Israeli reader of Jewish Australia Online!

To Dr Ziva Shavitsky
on her appointment as
Associate Professor in the School of Languages
at Melbourne University.
Professor Shavitsky holds the Israel Kipen Lectureship
in Hebrew Language and Literature.