Australian Friends of the
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

The Australian Friends of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (AFIPO)
is the umbrella organization to encourage and assist the
Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO)
to perform in Australia as often as possible.

The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra first toured Australia in 1966
with further tours in 1978, 1984 and 1989.

The IPO will be returning to Australia for a fifth time in September 2002
under the baton once again of its Musical Director, Zubin Mehta.

This will be the first time the IPO has visited Australia in 13 years.

To join the Australian Friends of the IPO,
or for further information about the IPO concerts
please contact:

Tel: +61 2 9365 1955
Fax: +61 2 9365 5527

Tel & Fax: +61 3 9497 4400

Funds raised by the VFIPO are used to support tours of Australia
by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
Our members are eligible for preferential bookings during these tours.

Going to Israel?
We can help with information on concert programmes and tickets to IPO performances.
For quality classical music, the company of musicians
and the informality of concerts in private homes
we invite you to phone/fax: 9497 4400

Click here for the IPO website