Isaac Bashevis Singer

Isaac Bashevis Singer was born in Poland on July 24, 1904.
Winner of the 1978 Nobel Prize for Literature.

Isaac Bashevis Singer websites
Biography on the Jewish Virtual Library website
Brief Biography on the infoplease website
Brief Biography on the American Literature website
Chronology on the Pagewise website
Detailed Biography on the Pegasos literature resource site
Nobel Prize website
Isaac Bashevis Singer – Nobel Lecture
Sound clip of Isaac Bashevis Singer's Nobel lecture including Yiddish
The American PBS website
International Vegetarian Union website
The Library of America Isaac Bashevis Singer online exhibition
Select Bibliography on the Beth Hatefutsoth website
Internet Broadway database - IBS productions
National Yiddish Book Center
Photos from the American Poetry Review Records
Interview with Isaac Bashevis Singer's assistant
Isaac Bashevis Singer Quotations
Isaac Bashevis Singer's final interview in 1987 on the Salon website
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