Winning Credibility: A guide for building a business from rags to riches (Hard Cover)

BOOKS > Australian Writers
Winning Credibility: A guide for building a business from rags to riches (Hard Cover)Winning Credibility: A guide for building a business from rags to riches (Hard Cover)Winning Credibility: A guide for building a business from rags to riches (Hard Cover)

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Buy Winning Credibility: A guide for building a business from rags to riches (Hard Cover)

More than half of new businesses fail within five years, and many of those that endure can’t seem to bridge the gulf between “just surviving” and true success. If you want to beat the odds, then your business will need Winning Credibility.

This book is a practical “how-to” guide for overcoming the hurdles that all entrepreneurs face when starting and growing a business. Serial entrepreneurs Matthew Michalewicz and Zbigniew Michalewicz provide countless “out-of-the-box” solutions for:
winning that first major client;
signing up partners and resellers;
building an all-star management team;
leveraging new customers from existing customers;
impressing the media and analysts;
engaging high-profile board members;
finding investors who provide more than just money;
and much more.

Explained in simple and easy-to-understand terms, the credibility-building principles in this book can give your business a winning edge.

“Whether you are an entrepreneur, or just interested in the world of business, this book is for you – it is practical with clearly demonstrated examples, and provides a multitude of hints and tips. A highly valuable resource.”

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